Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How to link capacity development to improved service delivery? (2)

Sometimes NGOs are self-responsible for their capacity building program. They formulate what kind of training or capacity building support they want and request the donor organisation for that type of support. In those situations, the NGOs hires local consultants for training and coaching. The international advisor coaches from the sideline. The local trainers speak the local language, which is a great advantage.

However, what is the link with improved service delivery? Some partners improve their programs, others still seem to have difficulties in implementing a good program. So how we evaluate the link between the capacity building interventions and impored program implementation or service delivery?

One possible solution is to integrate capacity building activities into project proposals, and to build in moments of evaluation into these programs, which include evaluation of the capacity building interventions. Another solution may be to have a program representative and a separate capaciy building advisor. This makes it easier to follow progress with regards to capacity development.

However, the option of integrating capacity building activities into project proposals may not work for capacity development activities that do not have a direct link to the project for instance, developing the Board of Trustees, or working out the relation between the Board and the Management Team.

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